Department for Transport Data and Reports covering England
Accessibility statistics useful for transport and land use planning are published here:
- Accessibility statistics: 2013 - Summary report and data tables (England).
- Transport connectivity and accessibility of key services statistics guidance - Explanation of methodologies, definitions and limitations (England).
Understanding Access to Opportunity and Deprivation
The accessibility domains of the Scottish and Welsh indices of multiple deprivation can be accessed here:
- Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation - Access Domain of the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation (Scotland).
- Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation - Access to service component of the Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation (Wales).
Paid Custom Analysis
Looking for more? We can provide specific analysis to fill legal requirements for accessibility in British planning process, including:
- Accessibility indicators for local authority access plans.
- Accessibility assessment for land and property developers, to meet planning policy guidance.
We can also offer custom analysis to suit your precise needs. Please contact us with your requirements.